Proud to be classified as Key Workers, our manufacturing sites have been open and making parts for our Essential Customers throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.  We have made parts for the Frontline Medical, PPE, Core Electrical, Defence and other Key Industry Sectors (including making components for the flagship national Nightingale Hospitals).

We have carried out COVID-19 risk assessments and have rigorous COVID-19 precautions in place across our three sites to protect our staff and reduce the chances of them getting or spreading coronavirus.

We have Access Control, Cleaning and Handwashing & hygiene procedures in place.
Visitors & Contractors must notify us before coming to site and their visit must be essential.  We will not accept unannounced visitors onsite. Delivery Drivers’ access to our facilities are strictly limited.
We regularly clean down communal and other shared surfaces, including machines and tools.
We have designed, documented & tested clean down procedures for dealing with suspected cases.

Where possible, our Office & support staff are Working From Home, however the majority of our work means that our staff must work at our sites.

Where practicable to do so, we maintain 2m distance between us at all times in the workplace; including limiting numbers of people in communal areas, washrooms etc. We wear appropriate PPE where unavoidable tasks must be carried out with people in close-contact.

We have identified workers who live or travel together and have suitable measures in place for them.

We have updated our First Aid, PAT testing and other Risk Assessments considering the additional risks associated with mitigating the transmission of infectious diseases.

Our Management Team are aware of issues surrounding Mental Health & Wellbeing and are keeping in touch with all staff, particularly those Working From Home to provide access to support where appropriate.

Tenable Screw Company, is a COVID-19 Secure Workplace.